Building A WordPress Freelance Business In Boston and Then Minneapolis – St.Paul

Building A WordPress Freelance Business In Boston and Then Minneapolis – St.Paul

Last year, 2016, was the year of Mike Griffin dot me. In other words, it was the year where I moved from a decade long suffering from The Imposter Syndrome to recognition that I’m a damn good WordPress Website developer. I’m not a great PHP developer, although I have to be competent to modify and maintain my clients websites. I’m not an independent JavaScript developer although I have to be good in order to fix the crappy way that bad theme developers implement JavaScript plugins in their themes. I am a damn good HTML, CSS coder because those are the foundation child theme WordPress Website customization. 

I become, IMHO, a bit too proud of my HTML, CSS customization skills. Shortly after Elementor was introduced and I started using it, I came to the realization that Page Builder tools were faster and better than the best HTML, CSS coder. One of the bigger blows during 2016 was my daughter’s use of a Website builder fro Griffin B Photography. She was right. Her Website Builder was better, faster and easier to use than WordPress and the people behind Elementor say as much in their latest blog post, Behind the Design of Elementor,  “We noticed that website builders like Wix and Squarespace included really superb website builders, that surpassed WordPress page builders in almost every aspect. This was strange, given that WordPress was the dominant CMS, with almost 60% market share.”

I suspect you are thinking “where is the ‘But'” because I’m still a WordPress developer. There is a “But”. Those website builders are not amenable to active improvement of pages using HTML and CSS code. Neither are many WordPress pagebuilders. Elementor is. I can develop extraordinary pages using Elementor and improve them with HTML and CSS.

That ended the year of Mike Griffin dot Me. It introduced the time to form a full service WordPress Website Development Company, Fast Fix Web Design. So 2017 is the year of expanded support where I have help in doing site updates and customization that are strictly accomplished with WordPress User Interface Tools, including Elementor! 

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