Ouch – There Is No Easy SEO, people ?

I mean, really, seriously YGTBFKM ? – you cannot, CANNOT, CAN NOT pay someone to make your site visible to the world.

Google is working very way possible to defeat all human attempts to trick them into showing your site. I allways send out “tips” and articles about what to do to make your site found by people searching for your claim to fame when clients ask me. But the fact is there is only one way to make yourself found. CONTENT and in particular DAILY blogging.

Ouch – no one wants to hear that because it is hard to do. It is especially hard to do because everyone feels like they have to write for some human who will be reading their blog. No, that’s not going to happen either. The only critters that read every blog every week are SearchBots. OK, that is an honest LOL worthy statement.

No one. Not one single person I’ve worked with, ever has been willing to write the daily or at least weekly blog that SEO requires. – Except me ?

So why aren’t I blogging the bejesus out of this site like I did the old otusanalytics site? Because I haven’t been ready for a lot of people to find me. A one man shop cannot afford SEO success.

But I am getting pretty damn good and pretty damn busy so I’m making some changes.

  1. I’m getting solidly behind really good theme shops.
  2. Shaped Pixels is the best theme author I’ve implemented and I love the fact that he includes a child theme with his themes. I’d go on for a long time about what is wonderful about his themes but that is for future blogs that include what I’m doing with them for clients. I bought a Lifetime membership.
  3. Theme Furnace was the first shop where I bought a membership because I needed to do a very large, multiple hour site with one of their themes and the client was happy for me to bill them for a one year membership so we could test several of the themes. I’ve done 4 sites with their themes and am still withholding judgement. I’m not unhappy but not happy. That may be a subject for another blog post but if it would not be positive, our job as WordPress developers is too hard already without implementers like me ragging on a good theme writer’s butt about picky little things. And when I read critiques of the great theme writers who bother to get WordPress.org approved it irritates the crap out of me. So suffice it to say that I’ve implemented some really great sites with Theme Furnace themes so I must like them. ?

So, although the straight up PHP site for selling my coding skills seemed like a great idea, I think it is time to work on mikegriffin.me becoming a 100% WordPress site. Right NOW, I’ve started working on that transition using the Shaped Pixels New Emotions Theme.

Emotions Theme Screenshot